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Psychological Meanings of Colors – The Color Psychology

The Psychology of Colors and Their Meanings

Turquoise Color – Psychology, Meaning, And Symbolism


What is the meaning of the color turquoise?

It could be in the Caribbean’s tropical waters or the energy-giving gemstone of the same name. It could be in the tail of a free-thinking Mermaid.

Turquoise, a cheerful and friendly color, gets its name from the gemstone. It is French for Turkish.

Today’s article will discuss the symbolism, meaning, most common uses, logos of companies, and other facts about turquoise.


Meaning Of Turquoise

Turquoise, which is a combination of blue and green, shares some of the same cool, calming qualities.

Turquoise dyes are sweet and feminine. The darker shades of turquoise (e.g., teal) have a more feminine feel. Turquoise, a valuable mineral, is often used in jewelry making, particularly in the Southwest United States and the Middle East. Turquoise, one of the oldest protective amulets, was in many ancient cultures a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Turquoise is associated with protection from harm and negativity, psychic sensitivity, and connections to the spirit realm. The symbol of friendship, the turquoise gemstone brings good fortune and peace to the home. The turquoise stone is thought to carry great wisdom and truth. The turquoise gemstone represents self-realization, and it is an aid for creative thinking and analytical thinking.

Turquoise is the Turkish name for turquoise, as it was brought to Europe by Turkey. Iran is home to the best quality turquoise. Today, the majority of turquoise gemstones are from Mexico and the United States.

Turquoise is known for its healing properties. Turquoise is thought to reduce acidity, improve muscle strength and growth, as well as relieve stomach problems, viral infections, and rheumatism. Turquoise is believed to be an anti-inflammatory. It also improves communication skills and calms the mind and body. Too much turquoise can lead to an overly analytical, demanding, and self-centered person. However, logic will guide your decision-making. Too much turquoise can lead to paranoia, secretiveness, confusion, cunning, and closure.

Wearing Color Turquoise Meaning

Although turquoise is a popular color, it is not often seen in large quantities.

But, from psychological and personality points of view, the color turquoise could suggest someone who is inward-thinking or highly intuitive but doesn’t live in the moment.

People with inward intuition often see things differently or more uniquely than others. This unique thinking is visible in the outside world through the choices they make in color and other expressions.

They are more interested in being themselves and expressing their opinions than conforming to the norm. They are brightly colored and stand out. However, they don’t seek attention. Instead, they want to express themselves freely without relying on others.

The meaning of the color cyan is similar to that of the other colors, but it would have a more exaggerated appearance.

Turquoise Personality For A Favorite Color

You value your independence and don’t want to be dependent on others. You are a person who seeks fulfillment in a spiritual way. Your ability to see the truth and not be influenced by your personal biases allows you to make informed decisions.

You feel calm and organized when everything is in order. It is boring to focus on just one task, so you prefer to take on multiple tasks. You are calm and organized, which makes you a natural manager. Others respect your organized management style.

Turquoise In Different Cultures

  • Turquoise, a symbol of wealth & prosperity, is one of the oldest protection charms. It is believed to protect against harm and negativity and symbolizes spiritual connections.
  • Ancient Egyptian grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were found in ancient Egypt. They date back to around 3000 BC.
  • The Tibetans started mining stones around the same time as the ancient Egyptians.
  • They love the gradual change in turquoise’s color as it wears (now that we know it can be caused either by light or chemical reactions due to dust or acidity of skin). This color change is believed to be a sign of wisdom and the cycle of life, which is the core of their religion. 
  • The ancient Persian Empire had the turquoise worn around the neck and wrist to protect against unnatural death. Turquoise was a symbol of heaven and appeared in all aspects of their daily lives as well as ornamentation. 

  • Legend has it that Native American Indians rejoiced in the rains when they came, according to legend. The Sky Stone Turquoise was formed when their joy and the rain merged. Turquoise is a symbol of life for them, and it is highly valued for its healing properties. 
  • Turquoise was a symbol of purity in ancient Greece and was often worn by maidens. 
  • This gem is the traditional birthstone in Western culture for people born in December. 

Turquoise Facts You Might Be Interested In

  • Turquoise is also known as the “Turkish Stone” since it was originally brought to Europe from Turkey. Although the best quality turquoise is from Iran, the majority of these gemstones come from the United States or Mexico. 
  • If you have a turquoise ring on your finger and you notice a crack, Native Americans will say that “the stone took it.” This means the stone received the same blow as you. 
  • According to the Colorpoint Institute, Turquoise is the color of the deep subconscious.
  • Turquoise forms when water is absorbed into iron-rich limestone or sandstones containing copper, aluminum, and other minerals. Turquoise formation takes millions of years, and it requires the right conditions. Copper is responsible for the gemstone’s blue color, while aluminum gives it a greenish hue. 

Summary: Turquoise Color Meaning

The color turquoise, far from being ordinary, is one of the most interesting shades on this color spectrum. Turquoise embodies both positive and negative attributes. It is also an example of uncertainty, emotional impulsivity, and maturity. Turquoise is a mysterious and mind-blowing color.

Color coordinates


Hex triplet #40E0D0
sRGBB (r, g, b) (64, 224, 208)
HSV (h, s, v) (174°, 71%, 88%)
CIELChuv (L, C, h) (81, 59, 179°)
Source X11
ISCC–NBS descriptor Brilliant bluish green


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