Beige can be described in many ways. It is a pale, sandy, fawn-colored, grayish tan or pale to grayish, or a light-grayish, yellowish-color, or yellowish-brown. This term…
Author: Isabella
Burgundy is a color that is lighter than maroon. It's a blend of brown and purple with a purple undertone. Many people mistake it for maroon. It…
The neutral palest purple mauve (rhymes "grove") is a gray-toned color. The Latin Malva refers to a common plant that produces light purple blooms. Malva developed into…
Periwinkle derives its name after the pale indigo-colored flower. Its base color is blue with subtle shades of pink and purple. Its color stands for serenity. Periwinkle…
Teal comes in a cyan green color. Its name is derived from the Eurasian teal ( Anas crecca), an animal that displays a similarly-colored stripe at its…
Indigo is a deep shade that comes from a natural dye, and it sits between violet and blue in the rainbow's colors. There are many opinions on…
What color is royal blue? Royal blue is a deep and vivid color of blue. It is believed it was made by clothiers in Rode, Somerset. The…
Colors can play a key role in conveying nonverbal information, creating certain moods and even influencing decisions. Knowing the meanings and responses to colors is key, as…
Sage green, an earthy grayish to-green color, is similar in appearance to the culinary herb that has woody stems but grayish leaves. Sage is a word that…
Psychological studies have shown that people's perception of color is highly variable. Each color conveys a different message. Studies show that colors have an effect on our…